BAYC Discord servers hacked again, 200 ETH worth NFTs stolen


BAYC Discord servers were hacked again. The co-founder of the most liked and well-known NFT collection Bored Ape Yacht Club Gordon Gorner attacks Discord after the phishing attack happened. According to the official announcement by the BAYC on Twitter about 200 ETH ($360,000) worth of NFTs have been impacted.

However, the BAYC team is investigating the hack. Sadly, the affected users would not be getting their assets back especially if they have been sold in the secondary market. The team urged the users not to fall for such messages or links. It strictly bars itself from offering surprise mints and giveaways, or any related fake schemes. Generally, scammers use fake addresses as links to divert the digital assets by getting user data like wallet addresses having NFT collections.

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Source: Twitter

According to the reports, the hack took place by compromising the Discord account of Boris Vagner, who is the project’s community manager. Somehow, the login credentials were compromised, through which the attacker posted a fake Discord news on the official BAYC Discord channel.

Further a fake link was provided by the hacker where NFTs from various related collections like BAYC, MAYC, Otherside would be extracted from the user’s account. Unfortunately, this is the far biggest hack operated on Discord Channel in the past three months.

Source: BAYC Discord Channel

While Discord is becoming a comfortable target by the hackers and attackers, the NFT developer Cory.eth reminds some of the simplest ways to not to get your discord channel hacked. He insisted on allowing single bot to post the announcements on-chain. Whereas, the bot can read the messages from on-chain and then it can display to the discord. Moreover, a password protected system has also been initiated by the discord where communities and the discussions are protected through complex string of passwords.

Source: Twitter

On the other hand, PeckShield the blockchain security firm confirmed that about 32 NFTs were stolen. That includes one BAYC NFT, two Mutant Apes, six Otherdeeds, and one Bored Ape Kennel Club token. As per the PeckShield reports, all these NFT tokens have been sent to one Ethereum-based address on June 4 in a time span of thirty minutes.

Source: Twitter

Also read: WARNING: OpenSea Discord hacked to promote NFT scam

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