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Bitcoin Gold Vs Bitcoin

What is bitcoin gold and how it is different from bitcoin?

Bitcoin Gold (BTG) is a hard fork of the Bitcoin blockchain that was created in October 2017. The main goal of the fork was to change the proof-of-work algorithm used by the Bitcoin network in order to make mining more decentralized. The new algorithm, called Equihash, is designed to be resistant to specialized mining hardware,… Continue reading What is bitcoin gold and how it is different from bitcoin?

What is ethereum classic and how it is different from ethereum

What is Ethereum Classic? Ethereum Classic (ETC) is a decentralized blockchain platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference. These apps run on a custom built blockchain, an enormously powerful shared global infrastructure that can move value around and represent the ownership… Continue reading What is ethereum classic and how it is different from ethereum

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